4 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the Church of England

With all the fuss of the Church of England, not many truly understand the work and charities that have been done through the church. In this guide, we have provided a quick review of some of the many things the Church has done and more.

Here are 4 things you probably didn’t know about the Church of England.

Voice Against Corruption

Over the years, the Church of England has strived to be the voice of injustice and the people who live in poverty. The Church continues to influence local governments and work with churches across the globe. Additionally, there are countless charities that the Anglican church continues to support.

Support for Women’s Rights

In the concern of the role of women in the Church, the bishops were aimed to fulfil the commitment to the UN and strive for gender equality. The Church has also stood up for women by providing free schools and support against the Contagious Disease Act.

The Church of England has no International Juridical Authority

While Anglicanism is a global communion, each province is self-governing. All provinces have their own bishop and structure that take in the form of national churches. You can find approximately 34 governing provinces, 4 Churches United, and 6 churches set on geographical regions.

Works with Other Religions to Promote Unity and Peace

The Church of England is committed to working with other churches to promote unity and support on a local and broader level. In fact, the Slave Trade Act in 1807 was passed due to the strong efforts of William Wilberforce, and John Newton, a clergyman of the Church of England.


The work of the Church of England is not done for the eyes of the people but for the churches where thousands of people visit to work on loving thy neighbour. As volunteers give more hours to the church, they are the heroes without publicity.